Let’s Connect More…
EEEkkkkk!! We’re Live!
Sooooo… my last post was in December when I was creating my website and I’ve had it on my To-Do list since then to finish it up and make it live… and now… it’s almost 6 months later - BUT WE GOT HERE! It’s been something I wasn’t sure I was ready to make live at the time, but I’m so glad we are now. Yes, I’ll be making tweaks and improvements along the way, but we gotta start somewhere, right? Let me know if you see something not working right and I’ll do my best to fix it! (Content Creator of one over here- lol)
If you are seeing this when it’s freshly posted, you likely got here from my most recent video discussing the makeup and beauty community and if we’re feeling burnt out or overwhelmed. Maybe even a lack of inspiration as well? I’m curious, how are you feeling after thinking about that?
It’s Memorial Weekend, so I hope you all have a wonderful and safe weekend.
Love you all!
Welcome to My New Website!
Sooooo technically, this isn’t a “new website”. It is new to my channel and social media, though. I’ve owned my domain name since college and used it for performance purposes when I auditioned for theatre, TV, and movies for years and years and mostly used it as an online resume of my performance work. That was fun but, after I started my channel back in 2016 I wondered how I could use my website for my YouTube and social media. Needless to say, it’s taken me 7 years to decide to wipe it all clean and use it again. I’m so happy to have this outlet to connect with you all.
I guess my main reasoning for revamping this site was to have a direct way to talk to you - yes YOU.
In my videos, I connect with you once a week at least, and on my Instagram usually daily. BUT I know not everyone has Instagram, but you definitely have the internet if you watch my videos so I thought this could be a fun way to connect with you in a new way directly- without YouTube’s insane algorithms deciding if you can see me that week or not. (So frustrating.) So I wanted to build a way to connect outside of all the social media. I’m also thinking about starting a newsletter from this site if you want to connect via email as well. I have a section at the bottom of the page you can fill out if you want updates on new videos, daily life stuff, and more. I’m not 100% sure what it would all be yet, but… it will be fun to connect so that’s why I’m doing this. To connect more - on our terms - not a social media platform’s terms.
Welcome, and I hope you stick around! Be sure to check out my links page to get discount codes too! And if you have any video ideas I’d love to hear about them! You can fill out my video idea form on my About Me page!